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Thursday 20 December 2012


alhamdulillah, da selesai sesi kritik blog. and aku rase hepi sgt sbb td quite ok la kne kritik. x teruk sgt. n dapat input baru untuk buat yg lebih baik lg pasni. insyaAllah :)

Thank you sir n all my senior yang terlibat sama td. tnx

                                                            and gudbye for this sem ..

habis 14 miggu study for all subject espicially aplikasi komputer yang banyak memberi pengalaman baru tentang komputer
dan lagi2 tntg blog ni yg mana ak x pena ade blog pon be4 ni ..
so , aku ase hepi sgt :)

Wednesday 19 December 2012


Esok hari sy nk present blog ni kt sir ... 
so , harap2 sir terima posting sy kt blog ni .. :)
sy harap semua orang ceria pada hari esok :))

hope dpt kritikan yang baik .. sebab adilah nak dapat pelangi selepas dikritik dengan kritikan yang dapat membina diri ini .. peace no war !!!

Tuesday 18 December 2012


best nye hari ni, :) dapat coklat dari puan norlin sebab datang kelas matematik penuh .. huhu....

mekaceh =)

Tuesday 11 December 2012

terima lah wahai sahabatku

nah amik ni ! untuk korang semua

untuk sahabat-sahabat ku yang sentiasa menyayangi diri ini.

the story

i would like to tell you about what i found when i watch this movie

 After RJ, a starving raccoon, fails to get snacks from a vending machine, he becomes so desperate that he tries to raid a large food cache belonging to Vincent, a hibernating black bear. However, while trying to finish by stealing a can of "Spuddies" potato chips, he wakes Vincent and loses both the food and the red wagon that it's on when a truck runs it over. Hastily, he promises to replace everything by the time Vincent reawakens in a week.

Ahaa,, why must i like this movie ??? it because this movie telling us about friendship ..
regarding the synopsis RJ make mistake by making angry the black bear !!!
so ,, he go to the jungle whereas there are many animal friends to get for help .... try to OVER THE HEDGE which is he need to collect all food that a truck runs ang felt down onto the road and destroyed !!

Then,, i like this story because the scenery of this movie was so beautiful and the the character was so cute ...
It because this is a cartoon movie whereby ADILA very like cartoon movie or animation because almost all stories have happy ending ... :)

His friends like him so much because he bring a new idea to get food from jungle to human dwelling with the good plan and stategies how to get food .. before this they just eat something from the jungle that is so simple order by their leader,, a tortoise ...

many obstacle encountered along with all of friends .. that`s why i like this story ... because it`s stresses on cooperation among them ... and this team work we need in our life to make wonderful and succesful life ... Who we are without people around us .. so ,, I LOVE ALL MY FRIENDS !!! @_@
 we need friends after our family .. because for now at university .. friends are surrounding us .. so, we need friends all the time in university which is as a group discussion ,, as a team ,, to make our assignment great. then, friend as accompanying .. and to reduce stress .. :) that`s all .

Monday 3 December 2012

about me

hi guys !!!
after many posts do ,,
today i want you to know about me ... ok ???

firstly ,, my name is : Adilah Binti Ariffin
age : 19 years old and i`m single but not available :)
my hobby : watch movie and sleep @_@
adrress : no.17 lorong 1c taman setia , jalan johan setia 
41200 , klang selangor darul ehsan ...
this my living room
 if you want to visit me you can come to my lovely home :)
sibling : only three and I the second of three siblings
favorite food : 'nasi lemak' , 'nasi kukus' , chicken porridge , fried rice and 'nasi kerabu'
nasi lemak
nasi kukus
chicken porridge
fried rice
nasi kerabu
 hmm ,, so hungry !!!

favorite beverages : carrot susu , orange , barli ice , cincau and........sky juice .. laugh (hahaha) !!
carrot susu
barli ice
sky juice
i really like all of this

Then talk about ....
primary school : sekolah rendah kebangsaan johan setia 
sekolah rendah agama kafa integrasi johan setia

secondary school : sekolah agama menengah tinggi sultan hisamuddin kg. jawa klang

is there anyone who know me ??
after that i continued my study to kolej matrikulasi selangor (KMS)

my memory
 i really happy with all of this thing !!! :)

actually i got two choices MATRIK or UITM melaka
but , after i make decision finally i choose my lovely KMS ..!!
Then ,, alhamdulillah for the last semester i got 3.95 for the whole semester :)
so , after that i fill the online form for the upu to enter university to pursue a higher knowledge ..
after several months of waiting , finally the decision upu out and i called to........

 i'm here now !!!
and my life begin now ....
thank you for lending me your time and eyes to read all of this ....

Sunday 2 December 2012

7 benda ajaib di dunia

7 Benda Ajaib Di Dunia

sering kita dengar 7 benda ajaib di dunia ini..
tapi jarang kita dapat pergi atau melihat sendiri 
keunikkan dan keajaiban yang ada pada ketujuh-tujuh
benda ajaib ini.. jadi , mari sini nak kongsi
sikit sebanyak tentang 7 benda ajaib di dunia

1. Tembok Besar China
Tembok Besar China yang mempunyai lebih 24,000 pintu gerbang 
dan panjang 5,000 kilometer.

2. Piramid Giza Mesir
Piramid Giza keajaiban dari bangsa mesir kuno. 
Piramid yang dibina dengan 2,500,000 blok batu besar 
yang tersusun rapi.

3. Taj Mahal India
Taj Mahal istana yang dibina oleh Maharaja India, Shah Jahan 
untuk isterinya Mumtaz.
Pembinaan bermula lebih kurang 1632 dan  
telah disiapkan sekitar 1653

4. Candi Borobudur Jawa
Candi Borobudur tugu penganut agama Buddha di Magelang, 
Central Java, Indonesia. Tugu mengandungi enam pentas  
bersegi puncak oleh tiga pentas bulat , dan dihiasi dengan  
2,672 panel-panel bantuan dan 504 patung-patung Buddha.

5. Angkor Watt Kemboja
Angkor Watt di Kemboja
dibina untuk raja Suryavarman II dalam awal abad ke-12  
sebagai kuil kerajaannya dan bandar utama.

6. Taman Tergantung Babylon
 Taman Tergantung Babylon yang dibina lebih 
3,000 tahun yang lalu
 Raja Neo- Babylon Nebuchadnezzar II,  
yang memerintah antara 605 dan 562 BC. 
Dia dilaporkan mempunyai membina taman-taman menggembirakan  
isteri merindui kampung halamannya, Amytis of Media, 
yang rindu untuk tumbuh-tumbuhan tanah airnya.
Taman-taman The dikatakan telah dimusnahkan oleh beberapa  
gempa bumi selepas abad kedua BC.

7. Menara Condong Pisa Itali
 Menara Pisa tingginya 55.86 m (183.27 kaki)
dari tanah di sisi terendahnya dan 56.70 m (186.02 kaki) 
di sisi tertingginya. Lebar dinding di tapak menara ini 
ialah 4.09 m (13.42 kaki) sementara di aras atas pula 
lebarnya 2.48 m (8.14 kaki).
Menara ini mempunyai 296 atau 294 anak tangga;
Menara ini condong sebanyak 3.97 darjah.

twilight saga

Book Three
The book returns to Bella's perspective. She has just given birth to her daughter and is now experiencing the painful transformation from human to vampire. After receiving an injection of morphine to mitigate the pain, Bella is unable to move. As the effect of the morphine diminishes, Bella consciously remains as still as possible to alleviate Edward's guilt and agony over the discomfort of her transformation.
When she opens her eyes, she feels a warm hand on her. She is startled and moves instinctively to a defensive position. She realizes that Edward now feels relatively warm to her, and that she is finally a vampire. The Cullens are wary of Bella as newborn-vampires are volatile. Yet, she manages to demonstrate a degree of self-control unseen in most newborns. She wishes to see her daughter, Renesmee (pronounced "ruh-NEZ-may"), whom she named after both her and Edward's mothers, Renee and Esme, but, since Renesmee is part-human, the family believes Bella will be unable to deny her newborn thirst if she sees the child so soon without first hunting.
Edward takes Bella on her first hunt to ease her thirst. Before they leave, Alice shows Bella her reflection. She has transformed into a stunningly beautiful woman with flawless skin and newborn-vampire red eyes. Bella jumps out of the window, kicks off her shoes and goes barefoot. She experiments with her new body on the hunt. She is now graceful, strong, and fast. She accidentally crosses a human scent. However, she resists the urge to kill and runs away to avoid bloodshed. Edward is astounded, as newborns hunting shouldn't be able to deny their instincts.
Upon returning, Bella is finally allowed to see her daughter. Because Renesmee is growing at an astonishing rate, she looks older than her calendar age. Bella learns of Renesmee's gift - the ability to communicate by sending images to people's minds, by touching them. Bella is infuriated when she learns that Jacob has imprinted on her. Her self-restraint is tested by this revelation, but she manages to control herself until she finds out the truth behind Renesmee's nickname "Nessie." She loses her self-control and tries to kill him. Seth steps in, and Bella accidentally breaks his collarbone and shoulder before managing to calm down.
Bella and Edward receive a cozy cottage for Bella's birthday from the Cullens. Esme had designed it and renovated it. That night, Bella and Edward make love for the first time since Bella's transformation. They find it very difficult to fully satisfy their sexual desire for each other. At first, sexual thirst cannot be satisfied. Edward tells Bella that this is normal for vampires when they begin a physical relationship. Satiation usually takes years to attain.
Renesmee matures quickly and soon is able to speak, walk and hunt. Jacob's imprinting also forces Sam and his pack to declare peace with the Cullens (the most sacred rule of the wolves is that no wolf ever kill the subject of another wolf's imprinting). Differences between Sam and Jacob's packs are soon settled as well, and Jacob and Sam agree to become co-existent Alphas. Jacob's pack also grows when Quil and Embry join it. Meanwhile, Jacob learns that the Cullens plan to move away from Forks. Thinking that Charlie is the reason, he phases into his wolf form in front of him and tells him about Bella's change and Renesmee (though he doesn't say she has become a vampire). Bella is initially furious, thinking that her father would now have to become a vampire or die. But he tells both Jacob and Bella not to let him know anymore than he needs to know. This allows Bella to keep him in her new life and allows Charlie to go on with his life.
Peace lasts for several months, but then things start to unravel again:Irina , a vampire from the Denali clan, sees Renesmee while hunting with Bella and Jacob and informs the Volturi that she is an immortal child. The Volturi purged the immortal children from the world because they couldn't control themselves, and made their punishable by death. The Cullens realize that Irina is mistaken and decide the only way to enlighten the Volturi is to present Renesmee with a large group of reliable witnesses.
After leaving a note with Sam from the copyright page of Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice", Alice and Jasper suddenly leave the Cullens. Since the couple does not provide a warning or reason, the Cullen family does not know why they've left. Since it was her copy of the book, Bella perceives this as a sign from Alice. She returns to the cottage and finds that Alice has written a name and address on another page of the book. When Bella visits it, she finds that it leads to the office of a lawyer named Jason Scott Jenks (also presented in the book as J. Jenks or J. Scott) who is a document forger. Bella requests documents for Jacob and Renesmee (with false names - Jacob and Vanessa (from Nessie) Wolfe), should they need to escape if a fight ensues with the Volturi. Meanwhile, nomadic, vegetarian, and clans of vampires arrive on the Cullen's land after the family begins to seek their friends' assistance with the Volturi. Most of them are enthralled by Renesmee, and almost all agree to bear witness to the Volturi that she is not an immortal child. Bella discovers that her power of mind-privacy has a shielding effect and she wonders if she can extend this protection to others. During the month of preparation for the Volturi, several of the vampires with quantifiable supernatural talents teach Bella how to expand the barrier.
When the Volturi and Irina finally arrive, all of the vampires and the werewolves meet in a clearing in the forest. The Volturi discover that they have been misinformed. Immediately, Cauis executes Irina for it, burning her. Aro felt uncomfortable about Cauis's rash decision because of the many witnesses they brought. However, the Volturi are not satisfied to leave, since they don't know if Renesmee will become a threat in the future. Aro wants to convince Renesmee that he has no intention to kill her family and friends, but the Cullens and all their witnesses feel Aro is actually lying to her. Bella's gift disables the Volturi's offensive fighters, Alec (who causes one to lose all one's senses, much like numbing someone) and Jane (who creates the illusion of pain in the victim), when she shields everyone on her side. Aro, Caius and Marcus vote on whether or not Renesmee will be a danger to the vampire world once she attains maturity. Just before Aro can cast his deciding vote, Alice and Jasper return with another half-human, half-vampire named Nahuel from South America who is about one hundred fifty years-old. He and his three half-sisters (who are also half-vampire, half-human) are the children of a vampire who is creating a "super race." They have never caused any danger to the vampire world. Facing no other choice, Aro gives up the fight, and the Volturi leave. However, before doing so, they reveal that the so-called werewolves are not actual werewolves, but rather "shape-shifters". The "shape-shifters" and vampires celebrate their victory in successfully protecting Edward and Bella's child.
After celebrations with family and friends, Bella and Edward take Renesmee back home. They tuck her in bed and proceed to their bedroom arm-in-arm. Bella tells Edward she wants to try something with him. She places her hands on his face and tries to push away her shield. She has been secretly practicing for this moment. She conjures the special memories she wants to share with Edward. He is finally able to see for the first time just how deeply she loves him. Edward is unable to control himself; he starts kissing her and breaks her concentration, and she stops. However, she tells him that now he knows that no one loves anyone else as much as she loves him. He asks her if she would try again. Bella acquiesces. Once again abandoning restraint, Edward kisses her passionately. This distraction prevents Edward from accessing Bella's mind. She wants to open the barrier for Edward so he can access her mind. She says that they have only forever for her to perfect it.
The story of Twilight ends with "And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect piece of our forever."
best movie
her gang