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Sunday 13 January 2013


Assalamua'laikum 2013,,

dah lme ak x update blog ni,, rindu rse nk menaip ..huhuhu =) .. azam tahun baru ni nk jd lbey baik dri sblm ni .. walaupun tahun baru ni dh agak lame berlalu .. haha wink2~~~
malam tahun baru tu ak x g mne2 pon duk uma je..tgk tv , tvtgk ak..@_@ ..then hari rabu ak dh blk ukm sbb hari khamis dh stat exam.. smpai lh 11 haribln hari tu .. dn skrg ak dh kt rumah.. harap tahun ni akan lbey brmkne lg d'smping org trsayang ^_@

ok,, ak harap semua orang bahagia.. walaupun xde gmbr dlm ni ak still syg kt korg semua .. luv so much ,, kwn2 yg lme yg baru .. moga tahun baru ni lbey brmkne buat korg sume =) !!!

Thursday 20 December 2012


alhamdulillah, da selesai sesi kritik blog. and aku rase hepi sgt sbb td quite ok la kne kritik. x teruk sgt. n dapat input baru untuk buat yg lebih baik lg pasni. insyaAllah :)

Thank you sir n all my senior yang terlibat sama td. tnx

                                                            and gudbye for this sem ..

habis 14 miggu study for all subject espicially aplikasi komputer yang banyak memberi pengalaman baru tentang komputer
dan lagi2 tntg blog ni yg mana ak x pena ade blog pon be4 ni ..
so , aku ase hepi sgt :)

Wednesday 19 December 2012


Esok hari sy nk present blog ni kt sir ... 
so , harap2 sir terima posting sy kt blog ni .. :)
sy harap semua orang ceria pada hari esok :))

hope dpt kritikan yang baik .. sebab adilah nak dapat pelangi selepas dikritik dengan kritikan yang dapat membina diri ini .. peace no war !!!

Tuesday 18 December 2012


best nye hari ni, :) dapat coklat dari puan norlin sebab datang kelas matematik penuh .. huhu....

mekaceh =)

Tuesday 11 December 2012

terima lah wahai sahabatku

nah amik ni ! untuk korang semua

untuk sahabat-sahabat ku yang sentiasa menyayangi diri ini.

the story

i would like to tell you about what i found when i watch this movie

 After RJ, a starving raccoon, fails to get snacks from a vending machine, he becomes so desperate that he tries to raid a large food cache belonging to Vincent, a hibernating black bear. However, while trying to finish by stealing a can of "Spuddies" potato chips, he wakes Vincent and loses both the food and the red wagon that it's on when a truck runs it over. Hastily, he promises to replace everything by the time Vincent reawakens in a week.

Ahaa,, why must i like this movie ??? it because this movie telling us about friendship ..
regarding the synopsis RJ make mistake by making angry the black bear !!!
so ,, he go to the jungle whereas there are many animal friends to get for help .... try to OVER THE HEDGE which is he need to collect all food that a truck runs ang felt down onto the road and destroyed !!

Then,, i like this story because the scenery of this movie was so beautiful and the the character was so cute ...
It because this is a cartoon movie whereby ADILA very like cartoon movie or animation because almost all stories have happy ending ... :)

His friends like him so much because he bring a new idea to get food from jungle to human dwelling with the good plan and stategies how to get food .. before this they just eat something from the jungle that is so simple order by their leader,, a tortoise ...

many obstacle encountered along with all of friends .. that`s why i like this story ... because it`s stresses on cooperation among them ... and this team work we need in our life to make wonderful and succesful life ... Who we are without people around us .. so ,, I LOVE ALL MY FRIENDS !!! @_@
 we need friends after our family .. because for now at university .. friends are surrounding us .. so, we need friends all the time in university which is as a group discussion ,, as a team ,, to make our assignment great. then, friend as accompanying .. and to reduce stress .. :) that`s all .

Monday 3 December 2012

about me

hi guys !!!
after many posts do ,,
today i want you to know about me ... ok ???

firstly ,, my name is : Adilah Binti Ariffin
age : 19 years old and i`m single but not available :)
my hobby : watch movie and sleep @_@
adrress : no.17 lorong 1c taman setia , jalan johan setia 
41200 , klang selangor darul ehsan ...
this my living room
 if you want to visit me you can come to my lovely home :)
sibling : only three and I the second of three siblings
favorite food : 'nasi lemak' , 'nasi kukus' , chicken porridge , fried rice and 'nasi kerabu'
nasi lemak
nasi kukus
chicken porridge
fried rice
nasi kerabu
 hmm ,, so hungry !!!

favorite beverages : carrot susu , orange , barli ice , cincau and........sky juice .. laugh (hahaha) !!
carrot susu
barli ice
sky juice
i really like all of this

Then talk about ....
primary school : sekolah rendah kebangsaan johan setia 
sekolah rendah agama kafa integrasi johan setia

secondary school : sekolah agama menengah tinggi sultan hisamuddin kg. jawa klang

is there anyone who know me ??
after that i continued my study to kolej matrikulasi selangor (KMS)

my memory
 i really happy with all of this thing !!! :)

actually i got two choices MATRIK or UITM melaka
but , after i make decision finally i choose my lovely KMS ..!!
Then ,, alhamdulillah for the last semester i got 3.95 for the whole semester :)
so , after that i fill the online form for the upu to enter university to pursue a higher knowledge ..
after several months of waiting , finally the decision upu out and i called to........

 i'm here now !!!
and my life begin now ....
thank you for lending me your time and eyes to read all of this ....